It presents informations about leprosy and it causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention and possible complications.
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It presents informations about leprosy and it causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention and possible complications.
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It presents informations about onchocerciasis and fact sheet and travel information.
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It presents informations about sleeping sickness and it causes, symptoms, treatment, possible complications and prevention.
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It presents informations about tuberculosis and it diagnosis, treatment and prevention/screening. Also brings clinical trials, journal articles, directories, statistics and medical encyclopedia.
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It presents informations about tuberculosis and the organization Stop TB Partnership. It brings news, events, resource, forum, tuberculosis in the countries, fact sheets, glossary, video library, imag...
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It presents informations about leprosy and the global situation, monitoring and evaluation, research, multidrug therapy, partners and links.
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It presents informations about schistosomiasis and it epidemiology. Also brings WHO's strategy, resources, links and partnership.
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It presents informations about tropical diseases and technical information, multimedia, publications, WHO programmes and activities, statistics and related topics.
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Information about cancer and related issues: its prevention, cancer risk, early detection, treatment, after treatment health, support for patients and survivors. It also presents information about the...
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Arquivos, em formato ZIP, com dados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD), oriundos do Suplemento "Acesso e utilização de serviços de saúde". Os dados são apresentados em 12 tab...
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