
Central Bureau of Statistics


This website is presenting statistics informations relating to all of the following matters:(1) population and housing thereof;(2) entry into and exit from Israel;(3) demography and health;(4) social and educational matters;(5) trade and marketing;(6) imports and exports;(7) prices of commodities, immovable property and securities;(8) wholesale and retail prices;(9) handicraft and industry;(10) production and manufacture, including building;(11) stocks of finished and unfinished goods;(12) rights in the different categories of immovable property; condition of immovable property and produce of land;(13) occupation and condition of buildings;(14) the annual value of immovable property;(15) transfers, mortgages registered or discharged, and leases of immovable property;(16) conditions for the transfer of rights of possession or ownership;(17) rent payable or receivable in respect of immovable property, including dwellings, shops and other business premises;(18) cost of living;(19) incomes and earnings;(20) wages, hours and conditions of labour;(21) employment, unemployment, and effective strength of labour force;(22) industrial disturbances and disputes;(23) injuries, accidents and compensation;(24) banking and finance;(25) transport and communication by land, water and air;(26) marine, life, accident, fire or other insurance;(27) personal and other services;(28) local government; etc.

Originador(es): Central Bureau of Statistics, State of Israel
Recurso adicionado em: 06/12/2007
Objetivo: The main function of the Central Bureau of Statistics shall be to perform, and publish the results of statistical acts as to the population and its social health economic, commercial, industrial and other activities and as to the physical conditions of the country.
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Estatística, Bases de Dados Estatísticos, Distribuições Estatísticas, 50278, Economia, Indicadores Econômicos
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