
Florida critters


FPIC/Jax is a 24 hour poison emergency treatment and information resource for health care professionals and the public for the northern and eastern coastal counties of Florida. It presents some stinging insects that may be dangerous, as ants, scorpion, vinegaroon, bugs, centipede, and beetle; effects and symptoms of bites are presented, too.

Originador(es): University of Florida Health Science Center, Jacksonville. University of Florida College of Pharmacy. University Medical Center. Florida Poison Information Center, Jacksonville - FPIC/Jax, State of Florida Department of Health. Children's Medical Services
Recurso adicionado em: 13/07/1999
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Toxicologia, Animais Peçonhentos, Intoxicação/diagnóstico, Mordeduras e Picadas de Insetos/terapia, Formigas, Escorpiões, Percevejos-de-Cama
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