
Teen Info on Cancer - TIC


Website for teenagers with information on cancer, its diagnosis, causes, types, treatments, and advices to help them deal with cancer. It brings news, pictures, a dictionary and a community of young people to share experiences.

Originador(es): Cancerbackup
Recurso adicionado em: 25/07/2008
Objetivo: To give teenage cancer patients and their families the up-to-date information, practical advice and support they need to reduce the fear and uncertainty of cancer. To provide a place for teenagers with cancer to come, build a community and help each other.
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Saúde do Adolescente, Neoplasias, Neoplasias/etiologia, Neoplasias/diagnóstico, Neoplasias/terapia, Participação do Paciente
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