
The state of the humanitarian system: assessing performance and progress: a pilot study


Publication which provides a system-level mapping and assessment of international humanitarian assistance by: defining key criteria for assessing system performance and progress, assessing the system’s performance over the past two years against these criteria, presenting new, previously unavailable descriptive statistics, and highlighting some new initiatives in policy and practice. Available in pdf format; 72 pages.

Autor(es): Harvey, Paul, Stoddard, Abby, Harmer, Adele, Taylor, Glyn, DiDomenico, Victoria, Brander, Lauren Originador(es): Overseas Development Institute - ODI. Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action - ALNAP
Recurso adicionado em: 11/03/2010
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Agências Internacionais/organização & administração, Saúde Global, Cooperação Internacional, 34009
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