
Pesticides and personal safety.


This monograph is a very useful tool to understand what is, how to use and handle pesticide, and how to prevent and treat pesticide exposure and poisoning. It contains the following chapters: - pests and pesticides; - pesticide registration; pesticide labels; pesticide toxicity; pesticide exposure; - plan of action for acute pesticide poisonings; - poisoning information centers in Indiana; sources for pesticide information; - and emergency phone numbers.

Autor(es): Whitford, Fred, Edwards, C. Richards, Neal, Jonathan J., Martin, Andrew G., Blessing, Arlene, editor Originador(es): Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service. Purdue Pesticide Programs.
Recurso adicionado em: 19/07/1999
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Toxicologia, Praguicidas/intoxicação, Intoxicação/prevenção & controle, Uso de Praguicidas, Exposição a Praguicidas, Primeiros Socorros, Praguicidas/toxicidade, Equipamentos de Proteção
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