
Elements of Ergonomics Programs: A Primer Based on Workplace Evaluations of Musculoskeletal Disorders


Describes the basic elements of a workplace ergonomics program. It provides practical illustrations of ways to identify and evaluate ergonomic hazards, such as musculoskeletal disorders, and to begin problem-solving efforts in a variety of workplaces. Available in both HTML and PDF formats.

Originador(es): National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Recurso adicionado em: 30/01/2002
Objetivo: The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has been prepared this document in response to the needs of workers, employers, and organizations for information about various workplace safety and health concerns.
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Ergonomia, Dorso, Dor Lombar, Transtornos Traumáticos Cumulativos, Saúde Ocupacional, Local de Trabalho, 16359, 16360, Programa de Saúde Ocupacional, Terminais de Computador, Back Injury, Musculoskeletal injury, Occupational risk
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