
How the ear works


Provides an introductory explanation of how hearing works with diagrams and animation. Also links to further general information: Symptoms of hearing loss, Noise Limits, How hearing aids work, Audiograms, Photos of ear conditions, Glossary of terms, Gunfire sound levels, Hearing Loss Surveys, Motorcycle Facts, and other Charts and data.

Originador(es): FreeHearingTest.com
Recurso adicionado em: 06/02/2002
Objetivo: Though FreeHearingTest.com should not replace regular audiometric testing by certified medical or audiological professionals, the site is a convenient compilation of hearing healthcare resources and information.
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Surdez, Audição, Dispositivos de Proteção das Orelhas, Transtornos da Audição, Som, Saúde Ocupacional, cednducednducednducednduced, Hearing Loss, partial, Hearing Test
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