
French Consensus Conference on Smoking Cessation


It presents aspects of smoking cessation: data on tobacco use, the risks associated with its consumption and the consequences of smoking cessation, how to take into account the individual characteristics of a smoker to obtain smoking cessation, what are the methods used to help smokers to quit and which ones are scientifically proven, what are the conditions to set up that will allow more health professionals to intervene effectively with an increasing number of smokers.

Originador(es): i-France
Recurso adicionado em: 08/08/2002
Objetivo: It aims at informing all health professionals on the different pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies, their advantages, their limitations, the difficulties of setting up such therapies, and encouraging greater professional involvement. It aims public opinion, through health professionals, to fight against the despondency and disillusion of many smokers, public health authorities, to lobby for a political framework favouring smoking cessation.
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Abandono do Hábito de Fumar, Células Germinativas Embrionárias, Consensus development conferences, CCCiudadano, CCC, CCCiudadano, Anais de congresso
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