
Large-Scale Biomedical Science: Exploring Strategies for Future Research


.."The purpose of this study was to (1) define the concept of "large-scale science" with respect to cancer research; (2) identify examples of ongoing large-scale projects to determine the current state of the field; (3) identify obstacles to the implementation of large- scale projects in biomedical research; and (4) make recommendations for improving the process for conducting large-scale biomedical science projects, should such projects be undertaken in the future..."(Au) (June 2003)

Originador(es): US National Cancer Policy Board (NCPB). Institute of Medicine (IOM)
Recurso adicionado em: 23/06/2003
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Pesquisa, Neoplasias, Políticas nacionales de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación con énfasis en el área de salud, cienceciencecience
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