
Towards the European Research Area - Science, Technology and Innovation: Key Figures - Edition 2003-2004


Available as pdf (1.561 kB): Presents the first set of indicators which have been collected as part of the first phase of the exercise of benchmarking of national research policies in Europe. It draws up a methodology for benchmarking of national research policies as well as a list of indicators covering four key themes: 1) Human resources in RTD, including the attractiveness of S&T professions 2) Public and private investment in R&D 3) Scientific and technological productivity, and 4)The impact of RTD on economic competitiveness and employment.

Originador(es): Integrating and Strengthening the Foundations of the European REsearch Area Support for the Coherent Development of Policies
Recurso adicionado em: 01/03/2004
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Indicadores (Estatística), Indicadores (Estatística)
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