
Governance of Public Research: Toward Better Practices (OECD 2003)


This report deals with public sector research. It provides a comprehensive review of the challenges that call for changes in the governance of OECD countries’ science systems. It highlights emerging policy responses developed in these countries indicating better practices to deal with the challenges, and draws policy lessons that can inspire the reform process. Supporting chapters provide detailed descriptions and analyses of the structures of science systems, the procedures for priority setting, the changes to funding, and the management of human resources in R&D. (Au)

Originador(es): OECD
Recurso adicionado em: 29/04/2004
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Cooperação Internacional, Políticas, Políticas, Recursos Humanos, Apoyo a la investigación, Decision-making processes, Priority setting, Allocation of funds, Management of research institutions, Assessment of performance, Organización de la ciencia y tecnología nacional, Políticas nacionales de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación con énfasis en el área de salud, Sistemas de financiamiento y de gestión de la investigación, Decision-making processes, Priority setting, Allocation of funds, Management of research institutions, Assessment of performance, Resultados de investigación en la toma de decisiones en salud
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