
Methodological issues in measuring health disparities


This report discusses issues that affect the measurement of disparities in health between groups in a population, published on National Center for Health Statistics. Vital Health Stat 2(141). 2005. Document on PDF format, Acrobat Reader required.

Autor(es): Keppel, Kenneth, Pamuk, Elsie, Lynch, John, Carter-Pokras, Olivia, Kim, Insun, Mays, Vickie, Pearcy, Jeffrey, Schoenbach, Victor, Weissman, Joel S. Originador(es): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Office Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Center for Health Statistics - NCHS
Recurso adicionado em: 05/09/2005
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Estatísticas de Saúde, Indicadores Básicos de Saúde
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