
Set of core ICT indicators


Introduction and core list of ICT Indicators, Infraestructure and access to, uste to,by households, and individuals, by bussineess, on the ICT sector and trade ICT goods.The core list of ICT indicators presented in this document was the outcome of an intensive consultation process of the Partnership with national statistics offices (NSOs). This included a stocktaking exercise through which metadata on the status of official information society statistics were obtained from NSOsworldwide, as well as a series of regional events that held in the framework of the OECD Working Party on Indicators for the Information Society and the ITU World Telecommunication Indicators meeting.

Autor(es): United Nations, Partnership on Mesuaring ICT for Development Originador(es): International Telecomunication Union
Recurso adicionado em: 30/03/2006
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Indicadores (Estatística)
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