
International Paralympic Committee - IPC


It presents information about the committee, news, The Paralympian Magazine on on-line version, a media center (with athletes’ profiles, screen savers, wallpapers, quiz, links to photographers who had been on these events), what are the Paralympic Games, information about events that already happened and about the ones that will occur, which sports are practiced in the competitions, a competitor’s “hall of fame” and more. It also has a list of summer and other of winter sports with complete information and photos about each sport. The text on the site can be resized or recolored with contrast in order to help people with special visual needs.

Originador(es): International Paralympic Committee - IPC
Recurso adicionado em: 27/06/2008
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Saúde da Pessoa com Deficiência, Esportes, Sociedades, Pessoas com Deficiência
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