
American Head and Neck Society - AHNS


It presents the organization and brings information on tumors of the mouth, throat and neck, their detections, preventions and treatments. It provides events, articles, links, research reports, news and PowerPoint presentations from meetings.

Originador(es): American Head and Neck Society - AHNS
Recurso adicionado em: 21/07/2008
Objetivo: To promote and advance the knowledge of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of neoplasms and other diseases of the head and neck.
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Neoplasias de Cabeça e Pescoço, Neoplasias de Cabeça e Pescoço/diagnóstico, Neoplasias de Cabeça e Pescoço/terapia, Neoplasias de Cabeça e Pescoço/prevenção & controle, Neoplasias Bucais/diagnóstico, Neoplasias Bucais/terapia, Neoplasias Bucais/prevenção & controle, Neoplasias Faríngeas, Neoplasias Faríngeas/diagnóstico, Neoplasias Faríngeas/terapia, Neoplasias Faríngeas/prevenção & controle, Otolaringologia, smsplasmsplasms
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