
The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing - OJIN


It presents access to the Online Journal of Issues in Nursing and provides a forum for discussion of the issues inherent in current topics of interest to nurses and other health care professionals.

Originador(es): America Nurses Association - ANA
Recurso adicionado em: 28/11/2009
Objetivo: The intent of this journal is to present different views on issues that affect nursing research, education, and practice, thus enabling readers to understand the full complexity of a topic. The interactive format of the journal encourages a dynamic dialogue resulting in a comprehensive discussion of the topic, thereby building up the body of nursing knowledge and suggesting policy implications that enhance the health of the public. The journal is indexed by Medline, CINAHL and Scopus.
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Enfermagem, Pesquisa em Enfermagem, Educação em Enfermagem, Educação Continuada em Enfermagem
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