
World Rabies Day


Campanha de combate à raiva. Inclui eventos, materiais educativos e guias de vacinação.

Originador(es): Alliance for Rabies Control - ARC
Recurso adicionado em: 06/10/2010
Objetivo: The mission of World Rabies Day is to raise awareness about the impact of human and animal rabies, how easy it is to prevent it, and how to eliminate the main global sources. Even though the major impact of rabies occurs in regions of the world where many needs are present, rabies should no longer be neglected. The tools and technology for human rabies prevention and dog rabies elimination are available.
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês, Espanhol
Medicina Clínica/veterinária, Medicina Veterinária, Patologia Veterinária, Doenças dos Animais
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