
IMVS - Institute of Medicine and Veterinary Science


Located in Adelaide South Australia the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science (IMVS) was established in 1938 to provide laboratory diagnostic services for the Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) and the general medical community. Since that time, the IMVS has expanded its services and currently provides a comprehensive range of quality diagnostic and consultative services in all branches of pathology for the RAH, other public and private hospitals, medical practitioners and specialists, industry and the general community.

Originador(es): Institute of Medicne and Veterinary Science - IMVS
Recurso adicionado em: 07/10/2010
Objetivo: The objectives of the IMVS are to:- provide a diagnostic and public-health pathology service for the whole of South Australia, which meet National Authority of Testing Associations (NATA) and IS0 9001 quality standards;- maintain an organisation-wide focus on customer service and continuous improvement;- ensure cost-effective provision of services through innovation and technological development;- maintain a state wide infrastructure for the support of the regional laboratory network;- undertake research which contributes to the understanding and treatment of human disease;- support research and training of health professionals.
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Medicina Veterinária, Patologia Veterinária, Doenças dos Animais
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