
MEFRG -Middle East Falcon Research Group


The Middle East Falcon Research Group (MEFRG) provides a forum for research biologists, veterinarians and falconers with an interest in falcon conservation and sustainable falconry in the Middle East region. The activities of the MEFRG include undertaking survey, research and wildlife management studies on falcons within the Middle East region and beyond.

Originador(es): Enviromment Agency - Abu Dhabi
Recurso adicionado em: 08/10/2010
Objetivo: A central body for the co-ordination of research activities related to falcons and the sustainable use of falcons and their prey species, particularly the houbara bustard in falconry.A common forum for the exchange of information and for promoting collaborative research programmes with individuals, research organisations, universities and governments.Research on health and disease in falcons, falcon nutrition, domestic breeding.Field studies on falcon migration, taxonomy, morphometrics, reproductive biology and behaviour.
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Criação de Animais Domésticos, Medicina Veterinária, Doenças dos Animais
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