


The programme of ICEDOC is: To establish and secure organizational viability through solicitation of financial support; To conduct a minimum of five consultative projects each year. We are offering volunteer expertise , workshops and consultations in the different fields of cancer treatment, prevention and palliation around the world; to broaden our network of expert volunteers in all aspects of cancer prevention, treatment and care. Establish and maintain cooperative and collaborative partnerships with different professional and non-profit organizations and industry that further the mission of ICEDOC.

Originador(es): ICEDOC
Recurso adicionado em: 30/09/2002
Objetivo: ICEDOC objectives are: To increase cancer management facilities in the world; to promote the activities of early detection of cancer; to assist in tailoring cancer treatment protocols.
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Tratamento Farmacológico, Radioterapia, Cirurgia Geral, Recidiva, Classificação, Apoio Social, Sociedades Médicas, Neoplasias, Neoplasmas de los Senos Paranasales, Neoplasmas Nasales, Estadificación de Neoplasmas, recurrencia local del neoplasma, Prevención y control, Apoyo a la investigación
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