
Neuroblastoma Society


The society is run by trustees, over half of whom have had children or grandchildren affected by neuroblastoma ; the remainder are all professional people, three of whom provide medical guidance and advice. There is also a Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), again volunteers who advise the trustees on which research should/shouldn't be funded.

Originador(es): Neuroblastoma Society
Recurso adicionado em: 30/10/2002
Objetivo: This is the web site of The Neuroblastoma Society - a charity whose aim is to fund research into the illness and support parents whose children have been affected by the disease.
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Educação Continuada em Enfermagem, Enfermagem Oncológica, Enfermagem Pediátrica, Pediatria, Neuroblastoma, Criança, Adolescente, Fundações, Sociedades Médicas
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