
Organization of European Cancer Institutes (OECI)


The work of the Organisation shall be conducted through scientific meetings; consultations; and working groups with funds obtained through the European Economic Interest Grouping - Liaison Network for Cancer (EEIG-LINC). To date eight working groups have been established: Guidelines; Registration & Data; Evaluation; Cost-Benefit; Pre-Clinical and translational research; Research & Education Communication; Telematics & Telemedecine and Pathology.

Originador(es): OECI
Recurso adicionado em: 31/10/2002
Objetivo: The primary objectives of OECI are to improve communication and to increase collaborative activities among European cancer institutes; promoting and strengthening Comprehensive Cancer Centres in Europe with a view to reducing cancer incidence and mortality, and supporting cancer patients.
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Academias e Institutos, Institutos Governamentais de Pesquisa, Pesquisa Biomédica, Protocolos Clínicos, Academias e Institutos, Grupos de Pesquisa, Organizações sem Fins Lucrativos, Neoplasias, Sociedades Científicas, Ensayos Clínicos
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