
Clinical Trials & Noteworthy Treatments for Brain Tumors


It's a database of treatments for brain tumors. It was started in 1993 as a simple text file, then expanded to a \"state of the art\" web site. The data is collected by surveying the major institutions around the world. The web site also has a Journal club section and a \"Web Links\" section.

Originador(es): Musella Foundation For Brain Tumor Research
Recurso adicionado em: 22/11/2002
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Institutos de Câncer, Radioterapia, Tratamento Farmacológico, Medicina Nuclear, Terapêutica, Tratamento Farmacológico, Radioterapia, Neurocirurgia, Imunoterapia, Sobreviventes, Neoplasmas cerebrales, Bases de datos
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