
Pain.com Beta: A Pain Management Resource Center


The Dannemiller Memorial Educational Foundation affirms its commitment to researching, developing, and providing quality medical educational and informational content to our users absolutely free in a quality online format. By providing a variety of accredited activities for physicians, pharmacists and nurses, the Dannemiller Memorial Educational Foundation seeks to foster an environment where health care professionals can grow in their knowledge and management of pain and its management.

Originador(es): Dannemiller Memorial Educational Foundation
Recurso adicionado em: 10/12/2002
Objetivo: To be the premier educational and informational resource on the Internet for health care professionals and consumers who have an interest in pain and its management.
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Oncologia, Institutos de Câncer, Pesquisa Biomédica, Neoplasias, Dor, Dor Intratável, Clínicas de Dor, Analgésicos Opioides, Analgésicos Opioides, Anestesia por Condução, Grupos de Autoajuda
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