
Automated Childhood Cancer Information System (ACCIS)


It's a project supported by the European Commission, with the objective of collection, presentation, interpretation and dissemination of data on childhood cancer in Europe. The ACCIS database contains some 160,000 records on childhood and adolescent cancer cases registered over the last 30 years in 78 European population-based cancer registries, covering 2.6 billion person-years.

Originador(es): International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), European Network of Cancer Registries (ENCR), European Commission
Recurso adicionado em: 10/02/2006
Objetivo: Access of public, press and health professionals to up-to-date information on childhood cancer incidence, mortality, survival patterns and trends.Availability of information for public health planning and evaluation of health strategy. Increase of awareness of cancer registries by usage of their data. Possibility of large-scale and long-term aetiological studies. Advantage of a large number of rare neoplasms combined across time periods and geographical areas for descriptive studies. Evaluation of the consequences of childhood cancer: long-term survival, second cancers. Support to the genetic studies of susceptibility and familial predisposition.
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Registros Médicos Orientados a Problemas, Registros de Doenças, Neoplasias, Adolescente, Criança, Pré-Escolar, Recém-Nascido, Lactente, Incidência, Taxa de Sobrevida
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