
Time trends of major coronary risk factors in a northern Italian population (1986-1994). How remarkable are socioeconomic differences in an industrialized low CHD incidence country?


The goals are to estimate time trends (1986-1994) of major coronary risk factors in an industrialized low CHD incidence population and to assess education class (EC) differences in risk factor prevalence and in time trends. Three population surveys were conducted in 1986-1987, 1989-1990 and 1993- 1994 on independent and two-stage age- and gender-stratified random samples (1906 men and 1941 women) of 35-64 year old residents of Brianza, an affluent region of northern Italy. The protocol for data collection, clinical measurements and biochemical determinations adhered to the WHO MONICA manual and underwent repeated quality control assessments. EC were identified according to gender-and 5-year birth-cohort specific tertiles. Favorable changes of the risk factor profile in the low socio-economic classes may have contributed to reduce CHD rates in this population. Specific policies oriented to lowest socio-economic classes are needed to continue to combat the smoking epidemic. (Sign-in/subscription is necessary for full-text)

Autor(es): Ferrarioa, Marco, Segaa, Roberto, Chatenoudb, Liliana, Manciaa, Giuseppe, Mocarellic, Paolo, Crespic, Carla, Cesanaa, Giancarlo, MONICA-Brianza Research Group Originador(es): International Journal of Epidemiology-Oxford University
Recurso adicionado em: 24/05/2001
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Identidade de Gênero, Doença das Coronárias, Equidade em Saúde, Coronary Risk Factors/TD, Socio-economic Factors
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