
What can be done about the private health sector in low-income countries?


This study presents what to do with private health sector in low-income countries and how the activities of the private sector in these countries can be influenced so that they help to meet national health objectives.

Autor(es): Mills, Anne, Brugha, Ruairi, Hanson, Kara, McPake, Barbara Originador(es): World Health Organization, Public Health Reviews
Recurso adicionado em: 18/07/2002
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Serviços de Saúde, Setor Privado, Marketing de Serviços de Saúde, Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde, Legislação, Defesa do Consumidor, Países em Desenvolvimento, /Supply & distribution, Advocacy, Measuring, Methods and Indicators, Equity, Health Services Accessibility^util
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